A Grand Adventure

If you had asked me three months ago where I would be, I would have said the following:

“In a new job somewhere in Orange County, Calif. Somewhere that I can use my skills in marketing communications.”

No where in that statement does it say, living in Northern California. Yes, it’s true. I made a move and now live and work in the San Jose area. My new job is with a fantastic company that is interested in utilizing my full skill set and values my thoughts and opinions.

So aside from a few new things in my vernacular, what do I need to know about Northern California? Here’s what I do know …

  1. Traffic is AMAZING, especially when you can take side streets to work.
  2. People here don’t put “the” in front of the freeway number.
  3. It’s much colder than down south. My twos have never been so froze.
  4. Just about everything is 20 minutes away.

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